Week 7: Grit will guide you.

sakshi chahal
3 min readJun 29, 2019


Image source: Google

While scrolling through some of my old writings on a Tuesday morning, I came across some beautiful lines from the TED talk by an American psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth wherein she talks about some motivational stuff.

The secret mantra to success as she says is not any IQ or intelligence! Infact she clearly states that the data clearly proved that talent doesn’t really amount to anything. Then what do the most successful persons in the world possess? What makes them so different from the commoners?

It is actually Grit!

Yes, the ability to stick with something when it’s not working out. The ability to stay with our problems until we come to a solution! The ability to stay motivated and passionate through failures and hiccups!

This is the ultimate secret to all the successful relationships, entrepreneurs, programmers and professionalists all over the world.

This is when I realize that it is so easy to be fascinated by things at first and tough to stick to them for long. But this is where I believe the power lies. Doing something that is not easy is going to help you grow tons.

I got my fading self and motivation altogether and was ready to conquer another week of office.

Day — 1

I was working on some blog-inexplicable tasks of the backend repository currently. Also, there was an awards ceremony at the office for the Quarter-3 and Quarter-4. It was gladdening to realize how go-mmt recognized, appreciated and celebrated its employees who worked good.
Letting aside some cheesy stuff, the best part of the ceremony was the Truffles wrap and the refreshment drinks that were provided afterward.

Day — 2

  1. The commits that I made went under review and some changes were also requested. So, I had to keep up with the same.
  2. Integrated hotels_only filter to project.
  3. A discussion with the mentor about how to proceed next on the project.
  4. Added a loader on fetch of API calls.

Day — 3

  1. The battle of routers: Reach router vs React Router.
  2. The codebase was beautified a bit also, the UI.


The required routing URL was yet not achieved. It seems to be a cakewalk for the web developers they say, but Reach Router library ( taking a fresh approach to the solution, and it also comes with accessibility (a11y) baked-in and working out of the box.) had lesser resources and noobs could get into a mess for that. So, I kept on working on it, though slowly.


  1. Import cycle Error in Golang.
  2. Mere statements were converted to functions in the utils folder.
  3. The endpoints that I had created in the Hermes repository were deployed on the pre-production server and after a mountain of changes, the “SUCCESS” on the build was happiness.

We ran from the office and went on to watch “Annabelle comes home” on Friday evening.

[Annebelle comes Home] Image source: Google

So, basically, the “no-mommy check” that I had mentioned before on the second week is not as pretty as it seems. You always have a choice at the office whenever you get stuck. Either you stick to the problem, mess with it, deal with it or simply run from it for days.
This has been obviously happening to me with the router-thingie I had been trying to integrate for sooo long in the project. Yes, it is messy and difficult for me and honestly, I had not simply been running from it. Rather, running in pieces from it, by bluffing my mind to assume I have other tasks to complete too.
Office is becoming “normal” week by week, a routine work, a part of life and there is no running away from it.

So, Dear go-getter,

Wake up, Dress up, Show up and never give up. Sometimes, weekdays can be rough. But, that’s okay, right. That’s how you learn what weekends are for ;) !!

