Week 5: To newer pals and GoLang!

sakshi chahal
2 min readJun 15, 2019


Day -1

  • Made small GoLang APIs to get enough idea of the tasks to be provided.
  • Using export to set environment variables only sets it temporarily only for that current session. To change it permanently, export statements in /etc/profile are added after: sudo gedit /etc/profile and after saving, closing the file, the file is sourced. source /etc/profile
  • Documentation of the API endpoints to be needed for Jarvo.

Day — 2

Lesson 2: What is Data Serialization?
Data serialization is the process of converting structured data to a format that allows sharing or storage of the data in a form that allows recovery of its original structure. Data De-serialization is the exact opposite.

Lesson 3: Difference between JSON and ProtoBuff Data Serialization formats.

Lesson 4: Concurrency, GoRoutines, Channels in GoLang.
Lesson 5: Use of the colon :in the relative path of an API.
For e.g — /fomats/mp3/flavour/:id/:num/:songid
Here, formats mp3 flavour is static data in the API path whereas, the variables with a colon can change values for completing the API url and may be client dependent.
Lesson 6: Goibibo Discounting.
Lesson 7: Jira Smart Commits and its use.

Day — 3

  • Made first commit to the Backend Repository.
  • Editing a file using Vim Editor on Linux. [ use of i and :wq ]
  • With the Tech-Lead, Discussed and understood the various endpoints and their access for the project.

Lesson 8: How to make Protobuf human readable using Protobuf.js in Postman.

How Protobuf works between two independent services.

Day — 4

I was given an overview of the final expected project and given input, output endpoints of the API that had to be used. Henceforth, we worked on structuring our project.
Along with this, I also spent some time, solving DSA problems.
In the evening, we all went on a memorable team party!!!

Day — 5

I found about the sleeping room in the office.
Explored it a bit, rested in there and started to look for enough motivation to finish up with this little task.
Integrate Routing in the application using Reach Router.
Did I finish it up? No, I did not write more than 5 lines of code on my laptop.
Instead, I spent all day conversing with people in the office, playing foosball, eating, playing table tennis and just ran home.

